Laces of Ireland stand at the Knitting & Stitching Show in Belfast

At the beginning of 2024, the Guild of Irish Lacemakers was contacted to discuss the opportunity of having a stand at the Knitting&Stitching Show in Belfast from the 7th to the 10th of November 2024. 

The Knitting and Stitching Show used to come to RDS every year, and it was a huge event for every crafter in the country. Following Brexit, the organisers decided to bring the show to Northern Ireland, rather than Dublin.

The Guild’s committee called on all lace groups around the country for expressions of interest, as we are all volunteers and it would have been extremely difficult for one group to cover 4 days.

We had several Zoom meetings throughout the year, and, based on the preferences expressed by various lacemaker groups, we came up with a list of participating groups and a roster. Sara Clancy was brilliant as coordinator and the brain of the operation, and a WhatsApp group helped us communicate closer to the show dates.

Friends of Lace Limerick covered the stand on Friday, 8 November 2024 – preceded by Borris Lacemakers and the Headford Lace Project on Thursday, and followed by The South Armagh Lace Collective on Saturday, and by The Guild of Irish Lacemakers on Sunday. 

We met so many people interested in lace – young and old – that we think our efforts really paid off. Despite of the complete absence of lace material suppliers from the show, we enjoyed our time in Belfast and would consider such an opportunity again. For a full account of all 4 days, check Laces of Ireland.







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