Author: Gabriela Avram

  • Announcing the Amazing Lace Symposium 2025

    Announcing the Amazing Lace Symposium 2025

    Friends of lace Limerick are delighted to announce the date of our 2025 Amazing Lace Symposium: 22 February 2025! Mark your diaries! We are working on details at the moment, but we can tell you what we have so far: This event is supported by Limerick City and County Council through the Festivals and Events…

  • Researching the sources of Limerick lace

    Researching the sources of Limerick lace

    An article brought to our attention by one of our members – the text of a lecture titled “The Timeless Prestige of Kilrush Lace”, delivered by Tom Prendeville to the Kilrush Historical Society at An Teach Ceoil on Tuesday, September 23rd 2014 and stored in the Clare County Library was the starting point. Around the 1800s,…

  • Repair, Repurpose, Recycle sessions

    Repair, Repurpose, Recycle sessions

    As part of the Síolta Glasa project, Friends of Lace Limerick are offering a series of skills sharing sessions titled “Repair, Repurpose, Recycle”. Every Tuesday from 12 to 1pm (in November 2024 and then again from January 2025) at the Citizen Innovation Lab (UL City Centre Campus), we will be offering advice and support to…

  • Limerick lace beginner kit available!

    Limerick lace beginner kit available!

    The redesigned Limerick Lace Beginner Kit is accompanied by the Limerick Lace Video Series.  Here you’ll find the video series accompanying the kit: Those interested can now order the kit online or buy it from the Limerick Museum. The redesign was supported by an Intangible Cultural Heritage grant from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media for…

  • Limerick lace classes starting in September ’24

    Limerick lace classes starting in September ’24

    A new term of Limerick lace classes is starting in September. You can join either a morning or an evening class. Beginners are welcome in both classes. To confirm your interest, please register and we will get in touch with more information. Morning classes start on Tuesday 10 September 2024. This is a 10-week term,…

  • Launch of the redesigned beginner lace kit

    Launch of the redesigned beginner lace kit

    As part of Heritage Week 2024, Friends of Lace Limerick are excited to invite you to the launch of the redesigned Limerick Lace Beginner Kit on Thursday, 22 August 2024 at 3pm.  The launch is taking place as part of our two-day pop-up exhibition(22 and 23 August, 10am to 4pm) in the centre of Limerick…

  • Limerick lace pop-up exhibition

    Limerick lace pop-up exhibition

    For this year’s Heritage Week, we have decided to bring our lace out of the museum setting and on to the main street, so that people who are not frequent museum goers or are unaware of Limerick’s lace making history and traditions can come upon our exhibition accidentally. We want to demonstrate that lace making…

  • Bring Out Your Lace 2024

    Bring Out Your Lace 2024

    Does your family have any piece of lace hidden away in a drawer? Maybe a family heirloom, or something you have acquired at some point that you wonder about.  Friends of Lace Limerick in collaboration with People’s Museum Limerick are organising a special event on Saturday, 24 August 2024, where you can bring in your…

  • Limerick Lace Beginners Workshop

    Limerick Lace Beginners Workshop

    We were delighted to collaborate with the Northstar Family Support Project in offering an initiation into Limerick lace to a group of ladies yesterday, 28 May 2024. Eva Ryley presented the first steps in Limerick lace: setting the hoop , threading the needle, copying a pattern and attaching it to the hoop, creating an outline…

  • Invited Speaker: Gabrielle O’Gorman

    Invited Speaker: Gabrielle O’Gorman

    On 27 April 2024, we had the honour to host Gabrielle O’Gorman at our monthly Lace Day in the Limerick Museum. Gabrielle spent two years in the Pennywell Magdalene Laundries in the 60s, and was taught to make Limerick lace. She worked on the christening robe gifted to president J.F. Kennedy on the occasion of…