Friends of Lace Constitution

Constitution of Friends of Lace Limerick

The group shall be called ‘Friends of Lace’, hereinafter referred to as the Group.
The aims of the Group shall be:

  1. To celebrate Limerick’s history of lace making going back to 1829.
  2. To record and research existing artefacts in Limerick Museum and private collections.
  3. To develop lace-making skills in the Limerick area and beyond.
  4. To create lace-making teaching resources and support the formation of new Limerick lace instructors.
  5. To engage with the local community (community groups, schools, third level institutions etc.) to promote the tradition of Limerick Lace.
  6. To bring Limerick lace back to public attention by supporting novel interpretations and uses of Limerick lace.
  7. To promote artist-led initiatives that celebrate Limerick Lace across multiple art-forms and encourage public participation.
  8. To work toward establishment of a Lace Study Centre within the Limerick Museum.
  9. To foster and encourage communication between people interested in traditional and contemporary lace making, and to form links with other lace-making groups, guilds, networks and communities at home and abroad.
  10. To organise lectures, workshops, exhibitions and other activities related to lace-making within the community.
  11. To promote the work of the Group using all traditional and digital media platforms.
  12. To participate in local, national and international events to bring visibility to the Limerick Lace tradition (e.g. Heritage Week, Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival, etc.)
  13. To contribute positively to Limerick’s cultural landscape, highlighting the city as a lace making place in the past and in the present, and as a tourism destination.
  14. Membership shall be open to individuals who are interested in the history and techniques of Limerick lace and are in agreement with the aims of the Group and who are willing to comply with the conditions set out in the Constitution. There will be two categories of members: full members and associate members. In order to maintain their full membership, members will have to participate in at least two events organised by Friends of Lace every year.
  15. All full members are eligible to join the Committee if nominated, proposed and seconded at an AGM. Where several nominations are proposed and seconded for a committee role the committee member will be elected by a show of hands at the AGM.
  16. The Group’s activities shall be managed by the Committee. Committee members are nominated, seconded and proposed at the AGM and elected by a show of hands at the AGM.
  17. The Committee shall act in accordance with the terms of the Constitution and charged with the management of the Group’s activities.
  18. The Committee shall have at least 4 members. Once elected, members shall be appointed to the following roles:
    • Hon. Chairperson
    • Hon. Secretary
    • Hon. Treasurer
    • Education Officer
    • Communications Officer
    • Design and Creativity Officer
    • Member
  19. Each Committee member shall serve a term of 1 year and may, subject to nomination offer him/herself for re-election.
  20. The Committee shall meet in Limerick or online at least 2 times every calendar year and written minutes will be kept for each meeting.
  21. Committee members shall endeavour to attend all meetings and shall send apologies in advance to the Chairperson, if they are unable to attend a meeting. Repeated absentees may be asked to step down at the discretion of the committee. A Committee meeting shall proceed as long as 50% or more Committee members are present to agree decisions.
  22. The Group shall raise funds by means of
    a. Submission of funding applications to arts, craft, heritage, community or other support agencies as agreed by the Committee.
    b. Sale of lace-themed objects
    c. Other fundraising methods as considered appropriate by the Committee and general members.
  23. Any funds raised by the Group shall be used solely to promote the activities of the Group in accordance with the Constitution.
  24. Correct books and accounts showing the financial affairs of the Group shall be kept by the Treasurer, who shall submit same to each meeting of the Committee.
  25. Any bank/credit union account as deemed necessary by the Committee, shall be kept in the name of the Group.
  26. The Treasurer shall produce a full financial statement annually and present it at each Annual General Meeting.
    Annual General Meeting
  27. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Group shall be held each year at a time and place determined by the Committee, not being more than 15 months after the preceding AGM.
  28. At least 2 weeks’ notice shall be given to members. The notice shall invite nominations for election to the Committee.
  29. The AGM shall include Chairperson’s report, Treasurer Report, Secretary Report and election of new Committee Members.

Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution can only be presented, proposed and seconded at the AGM.
Notice of a proposed amendment shall be sent in writing to the Committee at least 1 month prior to the AGM. An amendment shall be effective if passed by a two thirds majority of the members present and voting.
Special General Meeting
A special general meeting of the Group may be called with 2 weeks’ notice, following a written request from ten or more members of the Group or from the Committee. Any request for a SGM shall state the reason and include the full text of any motion or proposal to be submitted to the meeting. The meeting shall not consider any other business than that for which the meeting was called.
The Group may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at an AGM.