Friends of lace AGM for 2024

Friends of Lace Limerick met on 24 February 2024 in the Limerick Museum for the 2024 AGM. On the agenda, we had the Chairperson’s report, the Treasurer’s report, the Secretary Report, and the election of the new committee for 2024-2025.

After listening to the three reports, we proceeded to elect the new committee. This is the list of the new committee :

  • Susan Frawley  – Hon. Chairperson
  • Eva Ryley  – Hon. Secretary
  • Fidelma Cosgrave  – Hon.Treasurer
  • Orla McCoy –  Education Officer
  • Gabriela Avram  – Communications Officer
  • Marie-Clare Boothman –  Design and Creativity Officer
  • Gina O’Dwyer – Committee member

The following changes to the Constitution were discussed and approved in unanimity:

There will be two categories of members: full members and associate members. In order to maintain their full membership, members will have to participate in at least two events organised by Friends of Lace every year.

The Committee shall meet in Limerick or online at least 2 times (previously 4 times) every calendar year and written minutes will be kept for each meeting.

Correct books and accounts showing the financial affairs of the Group shall be kept by the Treasurer, who shall submit same twice a year (previously three times a year) to the Committee.

Under AOB, we discussed the preparations for the Amazing Lace Symposium 2024.







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